Zodiac Astrology Signs Personality Traits

 It should be stated that Zodiac signs are generalizations, and that each soul is unique and individual, like a fingerprint. With this being said, as there are four seasons in a year, and twelve months in a year, there are commonalities between individuals born to a particular month. So this list below does not define you or others, however it does give insight into yourself and others for perhaps a better understanding in all the facets that make up the complexities of personality.

ARIES (March 21th- April 19th)- Aries is portrayed by the ram, and is the first sign of the zodiac. They are pioneers, leaders, and are trail blazers. Aries is a Fire sign, and with this element they are passionate, energetic, and can have a short fuse or temper. Aries are Cardinal, meaning they are born natural leaders and initiators, and like to win and be the best in all things. Aries are typically adventurous, freedom loving, and are able to see the big picture, with a disdain for the details, acting first, thinking later.

TAURUS-(April 29th-May 20th) A Taurus is represented by the bull, and is the second sign of the zodiac. It is a Fixed sign, and is highly organized in its habits and processes. Taurus is slow to change, craves stability and consistency. It is an Earth sign, making it desire earthly and material goods as a form of security. Thus the Taurus is patient, persistent, and willing to work long and hard to achieve success and gain the security it so strongly needs and desires. Taurus is a more conservative sign, and craves family structure, and loves pleasures of all kinds, especially good meals and warm relationships, which they are extremely loyal too once trust is established.

GEMINI-(May 21st-June 20th) Gemini is the sign of the twins, and is a mutable sign. Mutable means changeable, and communicative. Communication is one of the most important aspects for this sign, for it lives to learn, communicate, teach, hear and be heard. It's element is air, and mental stimulation is paramount to keep a gemini happy. They love to learn about as many new ideas as possible, but don't like to delve too deeply into matters, preferring to stay on the light and fun side. With a childlike enthusiasm and receptivity, Gemini is inquisitive, outgoing, and dynamic, and a great teacher.

CANCER- (June 21st-July 22ncd) Cancer is the sign of the Crab, and it is represented by the element of Water. It is cardinal in mode, making it a leader, however cancer is usually indirect in their approach to leadership. Sentimental, Sensitive, and Intuitive, the Crab cherishes and needs family connections and history. Cancer is an extremely nurturing sign, and is in touch with the feelings of themselves and those around them. The Crab craves security, and offers deep devotion, loyalty and tenderness to those who are willing to protect the crab's feeling of sensitivity.  

LEO (July 23rd-August 22ncd) Leo the Lion, a warm hearted fire sign, that loves to be the center of attention. Generally, they have every right to be! Natural leaders, Leo's have great confidence, charisma, and are generous and adore the ones they love. They are a fixed sign, so they are organizers and planners, and like to do things in a grandiose and luxurious way. They can  have a stubborn streak, but work hard and are generally standouts in their sphere of influence. They can tend towards pride and egotism, but their heart is generally noble and warm.

VIRGO-(August 23rd- September 22ncd) Virgo is a Mutable sign, represented by the virgin maiden, and an earth element. Hardworking, and extremely discriminating, Virgo is has a razor sharp mind able to cut through the excess and see to the heart of most matters quickly. Virgo is picky, particular, and generally has high standards in one form or another, this can be in form of hygiene or health. . Despite their seemingly cool detached exterior, Virgo's hold deep emotions and are hesitant to reveal their weaknesses in fear of being hurt. For they love deeply, and when they find something or someone to commit to, they give their whole heart.

LIBRA (September 23rd- October 22ncd) Libra is the symbol of the scales, and the keyword for them is Balance- they seek to find balance throughout their lives in all things.  They are a cardinal Air sign, and they are extremely sociable and love mental interaction. Libras adores beauty, and seeks to  balance themselves, and the world around them. They are objective, idealistic, and born mediators. They are full of charm, charisma, but can also be quite indecisive because they are constantly considering all sides of an issue. 

SCORPIO-(October 23rd- November 21ncd) Scorpio is a water Fixed sign, symbolized by the scorpian. Great organizers, they are deep, dynamic, and have an entrancing power. Extremely intuitive, psychic, and sometimes deeply troubled, they are always wrestling and manage to get to the depth and heart of the matter. They are very secretive, and protective, because they love/hate deeply and fear being hurt or misunderstood. They are generally very successful, because they are extremely strategic and smart when achieving their ideals and goals.

SAGITTARIUS-(November 22rd-December 21ncd)- Sagittarius is a fire sign, and mutable is the mode.The male archer is its symbol, and they are naturally lucky, carefree, and fun people. They love knowledge, truth, and philosophy, and are about continual expansion. They are lovers of freedom, and travel, and are blunt and blatantly honest. They are dynamic communicators, and give inspiration, knowledge, and wisdom through their journeys and experiences in life.

CAPRICORN-(December 22ncd-January 19th) Capricorn is an Earth, Cardinal Sign, symbolized by the goat. Capricorn is an incredibly hard worker, and  craves the respect, admiration, and status from hard work and achievement. They are leaders in buisness and relationships, and take on responsibility quite well. They are very strategic, methodical, and take a realistic approach to life. Loyal and committed, they are responsible, cautious, and reserved.

AQUARIUS-(January 20th- February 18th) Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign, symbolized by a water bearer. It is a highly mental sign, that is innovative, creative and original in its thinking. This sign is about groups, humanity, and the comprehensive whole. It values friendships and likes people from all walks of life, to learn from their different perspectives. They are freedom loving and detached in relationships, and are highly intelligent about a wide range of subjects.

PISCES -(February 19th- March 20th) Pisces is represented by the fishes, and is a Mutable water sign. Changeable, emotional, creative, spiritual and perceptive, the fish swim the depths of the ocean, as well as the surface of the sea. Generally very wise about the principles of life, the fishes are dreamy and live much time in imagination, and the spiritual ways of life. They are communicators, healers, reflective, but can also struggle with negative forces, disillusionment and deception.